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發布時(shí)間(jiān):2010.08.13 新聞來(lái)源:詞都 浏覽次數(shù): |
2) drill rod
In order to improve the service life of the drill rod,a novel method for reducing residual stress,magnetic treatment,is developed.
本研究對釺杆中的殘餘應力采用了一種嶄新的處理(lǐ)方式———磁處理(lǐ)方法,通(tōng)過動态磁場(chǎng)與材料中殘餘應力的相互作(zuò)用,來(lái)達到改善釺杆中殘餘應力分布、提高(gāo)釺杆壽命的目的。 2.
Based on the principle of finite life design, the influencing factors on the fracture resistance and fatigue life of drill rod are analyzed according to wave mechanics and dynamics of percussive drilling.
基于有(yǒu)限壽命設計(jì)原理(lǐ),運用波動力學、沖擊鑽進動力學,分析了釺杆抗斷性能及其疲勞壽命影(yǐng)響因素,提出了具有(yǒu)低(dī)應力、高(gāo)抗斷阻力特性的薄壁管式釺杆結構·薄壁管式釺杆,以不增加釺鋼消耗量為(wèi)前提,通(tōng)過顯著增大(dà)釺杆外圓直徑,達到提高(gāo)釺杆抗斷性能、降低(dī)釺杆循環應力水(shuǐ)平的目的·同時(shí),結合材料的S-N曲線和(hé)釺杆的理(lǐ)論載荷譜,運用電(diàn)算(suàn)程序,預估了新型結構釺杆的抗疲勞壽命·工業考核表明(míng),薄壁管式釺杆的疲勞壽命達到1200m,比國産傳統釺杆提高(gāo)近70% 3.
The paper has obtained calculation equations of bending strength for drill rod samples in all cases based on GB977-67 and the principle of mechanics of matenials.
本文在GB977-67的基礎上(shàng)結合材料力學的原理(lǐ)與方法,推導出了釺杆試樣在各種情況下抗彎強度的計(jì)算(suàn)公式。 3) rock drilling rod
According to the actual working situation,this article made a transient dynamics analysis to rock drilling rod on ANSYS platform,and made comparn with the result data on different piston shapes.
以ANSYS為(wèi)平台,按照真實工作(zuò)狀态對鑿岩釺杆進行(xíng)了瞬态動力學分析,并對不同活塞形狀下分析結果數(shù)據進行(xíng)了比較,為(wèi)沖擊鑿岩系統設計(jì)提供了理(lǐ)論依據。 4) Rod structure
釺杆結構 5) drill rod joint
The method is used to test the dynamic characteristics of drill rod joints with success.
根據一維波動方程推導了雙截面應變測試法測試一維杆中任一截面的應變和(hé)質點速度方程以及順波和(hé)逆波方程;并成功地将其用于釺杆接頭動力特性的量測,得(de)到了較長的入射波在短(duǎn)接杆中傳播時(shí)遇到接頭後的反射波以及能量反射率、能量耗散率等重要參 6) Small drill rod
小(xiǎo)釺杆 |
本文共分 1 頁 |